Doctoral allocation competition 2025
March 13 2025Competition 2025
The selection of doctoral candidates for ABIES grants will take place from June 2th to 4th.
Grants are for a 36 months doctoral contract. The monthly gross salary is 2200€ for the 1st year.
Candidates should directly contact the thesis supervisor of the project of interest to get more information about the projection and the application process. Applications must be sent before the 8th of May 2025 directly to the thesis supervisor who will select one for the audition of the candidates.
Proposed projects:
Research laboratory | Thesis supervisor and email | Joint Research unit for cosupervised thesis | Project |
ABI | FADLALLAH Sami | ALLAIS Florent | Biocatalyzed synthesis of multifunctional cellulose-derived polyesters: from monomer design to controlled biodegradation |
MICALIS | CHAILLOU Stéphane | Designing Microbial Consortia for Functional and Sustainable Plant-Based Foods: Modulating Gut Microbiome Structures for Enhanced Health Outcomes | |
MICALIS | DE PAEPE Marianne | Influence of T4 bacteriophage mutation rate on phage training | |
MICALIS | GAUDU Philippe | The Achilles’ heel of a multi-resistant Staphylococcus aureus strain: its B-lactams sensitivity | |
MICALIS | MARTIN ROSIQUE Rebeca | Role of butyrate in early life microbiota development and microbiota-host crosstalk (ButyTalk) | |
MICALIS | REPOILA Francis | Prediction and identification of Enterococcus cecorum genes modulating infection by two virulent phages: towards a predictive genomics of phage-host interactions | |
MICALIS | SLAMTI Leyla | Study of bacterial cell-cell communication in real-time during a Bacillus thuringiensis infection | |
MICALIS | THOMAS Muriel | Role of the intestinal microbiota in intestinal pathophysiology in response to CFTR modulators. | |
PNCA | GAUDICHON Claire | Plant-based diet: understanding physiological adaptations to long-term Exposure across generations using Drosophila model | |
PNCA | MARIOTTI François | Which leverage effect of legumes for healthy and sustainable diets? | |
SayFood | BENKHELIFA Hayat | IAV Hassan II BORJI Abdelali |
Experimental and numerical study of the impact of freezing on the quality of pastries |
SayFood | DEBACQ Marie | Rotary kilns and drums for the treatment and valorization of bioproducts: a knowledge-based modeling | |
VIROLOGIE | ATTOUI Houssam | Interactions of bluetongue virus (genus Orbivirus) with cells derived from its Culicoides vector and the role played by the vector’s innate immune response in shaping virus replication |
Zoonoses bactériennes | PONSART Claire | C3M BOYER Laurent |
Efficacy of trichloroacetamides against Bacillus anthracis and its spores: development and evaluation of clinical and veterinary applications in a One Health Approach |
Agronomie | GARDARIN Antoine | IDEEV LEADLEY Paul |
Effects of Agricultural Practices Alone and in Combination on the Conservation of Natural Enemy and Pollinator Biodiversity at Large Spatial Scales |
ESE | BESSA GOMES Carmen | Modeling the Ecological Connectivity of Protected Areas: Integrating a Heuristic Approach to Assess Landscape Permeability | |
GQE | CHARCOSSET Alain | Breeding population varieties to diversify production and adaptation in allogamous crops. Which new schemes in the high throughput genotyping era? | |
IJPB | PION Florian | New methods for high-throughput and advanced characterization of lignins to reveal their structural diversity | |
The place of urban green spaces within densification projects in France and Canada |
SENS | MERAL Philippe | Socio-economic analysis of environmental justice movements in mainland France | |
BREED | COUTURIER-TARRADE Anne | MANDON-PEPIN Béatrice | Effects of maternal exposure to a mixture of food contaminants on first- and second-generation gonadal development and function |
GABI | JAFFREZIC Florence | Gaussian process modelling for integrative analysis of multi-omics and phenomic data | |
GABI | RAU Andrea | MIAT VIALANEIX Nathalie |
Large scale paired multi-omic data integration |
IEES | LUCAS Philippe | Adaptive Evolution of Plant Chemical Defenses: Mechanisms and Ecological Implications | |
IEES | SIAUSSAT David | Interaction between endocrine disruptors compounds and temperature in agricultural pest insects | |
Laboratoire Génétique de la Souris | JAUBERT Jean | Genetic and functional characterization of susceptibility to tick-borne encephalitis virus in mouse models | |
PROSE | BOUCHEZ Théodore | CHAPLEUR Olivier | Thermokinetic modeling of electroactive microorganism growth |
Role of autophagy and N-TAX1BP1 interaction in the antiviral defense mechanisms of pulmonary macrophages during RSV infection |
VIM | LE GOFFIC Ronan | Study of the effects of maternal respiratory viral infections, associated or not with metabolic disorders, on offspring health outcomes | |
ICMR | SAYEN Stéphanie | GUILLON Emmanuel | Impact of microplastics on the fate of contaminants in soils amended with digestate from methanisation |
RIBP | ESMAEEL Qassim | Biofungicides to Control Septoria Tritici Blotch in Wheat | |
Cyanobacteria proliferation in Champardennais recreational sites: causes, ecological consequences and health risks |
SEBIO | COSIO Claudia | Effects of mercury on omics responses in Dreissena polymorpha in an exposome context |