Inscription and re-enrolment
March 04 2025Thesis enrolment modalities
The doctoral school ABIES is affiliated to different institutions delivering the doctoral degree and the doctoral candidates must register at the institution corresponding to their research unit.
Doctoral candidates enrolled at the Université Reims Champagne-Ardenne must contact the doctoral studies of this institution.
The other ABIES doctoral candidates enrol at AgroParisTech, at the Ecole nationale vétérinaire d’Alfort (EnvA) or at the Université Paris-Saclay in the Graduate School Biosphera.
The whole enrolment procedure is now done online on the ADUM platform.
When you first enrol, you must create an ADUM profile and choose the institution corresponding to your research unit:
- Graduate school Biosphera for a graduation at Paris-Saclay University, you must follow this link to register
- AgroParisTech, you must choose Versailles as the academia,
- Reims Champagne-Ardenne University, you must choose Reims as the academia
- Ecole nationale vétérinaire d’Alfort (EnvA), you must choose Créteil academia..
Register in one of these last three establishments.
You then need to follow the different steps, you will find the list of documents required for your registration that you will have to deposit on the ADUM site. You must carefully read ABIES Doctoral School internal rules (in French).
Re-enrolment modalities
If you are already registered on ADUM and are about to re-enrol, you must log to your ADUM profile. You must then click on “I wish to declare my re-enrolment in x year of PhD” and follow the different steps. You have to upload the required documents.
If you forgot your password, it can be reset using the email address you used for your registration.
After validation by the doctoral school
The tuition fees and the CVEC (Contribution Vie Etudiante et de Campus) must be paid once you’ve been authorized to enrol by your thesis director, your head of research unit and the doctoral school on ADUM; a proof of payment will be required for your academic enrolment at the institution awarding the doctoral degree.
- First PhD registration ABIES pdf 389.48 KB
- PhD re-enrolment ABIES pdf 379.75 KB
- ABIES doctoral school Internal Rules pdf 299.57 KB
- ABIES correspondent person pdf 316.63 KB